Saturday, April 18, 2020

Flower Wind Chimes from Recycled Egg Cartons

Things look a little differently for me now. I no longer teach PreK for one, but I'm also at home, like most of you! We are currently into week six of quarantine and we have been getting creative at home. I now have a four and half year old and a newly turned two-year old as my blood....and my new students! We've been doing a ton of projects and I'd love to add them here. Hope you enjoy!

One thing we have been eating a lot of is eggs! We even found a farm that delivers them to us each week. This project was a lot of fun for both of my girls. The prep is pretty easy, just cut the carton along the natural lines to create the shorter "flowers" and the opposite lines to create the taller flowers. This project took two cartons for both girls, but you can use as many or as little as you'd like.

Once cut, just have them paint each one individually. Once dry, sting up on any stick. Tie knots between "flowers" to prevent them from slipping.

A smaller one:


  1. Are there bells inside the "flowers"?

    1. You certainly can do that! Tie them under the flowers and you'll be all set.
