Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Student's Choice!

Today we were able to pick our favorite activitiy from the past few months and do it again! The messiest one of course!


Our rectangle study had us building an English phone booth out of 13 rectangles and one half-circle!


O is for Olympics!

It's just a matter of weeks before the 2012 Summer Olympics will be held in London. What a better time than now to work with the letter 'O'. We made the Olympic rings with five Os and then we had a chance to make as many Os as we could!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Our New Gel Board

Mrs. Burns made us a gel board! There is so much we can do with our new board but today we started with letter formations and loved it!

How to make your own gel board:
You need one large bottle of any hair gel. I used Dap hair gel, it's inexpensive and colored so it's still fun for the kids! I used two freezer zip lock bags to ensure no leaks occur. I then duct taped the bag down to a board so it could be used on the laps of my students or could become mobile and used anywhere in the room. I used fun colored duct tape to help with its appeal. I added the alphabet line from Handwriting Without Tears at the top as a guide for the students. They write letters and drew anything they wanted. They loved it! 

A Lesson in Shapes Leads to....a Camera!

Today in math we worked on shapes while we built our own cameras!



Plant Update!

Our plants are growing! ( Click here to check out the original post to see when we planted our seeds). We have been taking good care of our sprouts by giving them plenty of sunlight and watering them every day!

...and even though Mrs. Burns takes care of her sprout the exact same way...her's is growing at its own pace...wompwomp... : )

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

T is for Tall

We are continuing to work on our alphabet book and have arrived at the letter t! Since T is for Tall we decided to measure just how tall we are!


Learning with the IPad

We love working on Mrs. Burns' IPad! We are able to play so many games that allow us to learn, work together, and have fun! Today we worked on sight words, writing letters (fine motor!), letter sounds, number sequencing, and more!


Friday, May 11, 2012

Cupcakes and more celebrating!

Our school's own Ms. Leardi shares a birthday week with both us! We had to celebrate one last time together! Thank you for bringing the fun Ms. Leardi! We decorated cupcakes for ourselves and our moms too!

Don't worry! He didn't do it!


Mother's Day is coming!

We spent all week talking about the ladies in our lives that love us and take care of us! We made tote bags, cards, and picture snow globes for Mother's Day!